Version History
Version | History |
v3.1.1 | Exception handling for errors occurring only on Android 13. |
v3.1.0 | The AI model has been upgraded to Highball, enabling two-person sleep tracking. Added begin and end functions to manage foreground services within the SDK. |
v2.4.2 | 1. Added AsleepLogger Interface: A new interface, AsleepLogger, has been introduced, featuring four methods: d, e, i, and w. 2. Enhanced Configuration with Logging: The initAsleepConfig function has been updated to include an AsleepLogger parameter as its final argument. 3. Removed Direct Android Log Outputs: In alignment with our new logging approach, direct usage of the Android Log class within the SDK has been removed. |
v2.4.1 | Added an optional ‘isPrivacySensitive’ parameter to ‘startSleepTracking()’ to optionally select the privacy sensitive feature of the AudioRecord. The default is true. |
v.2.4.0 | Add snoring data to Report and Average Stats. Add setPrivacySensitive during Recording. |
v2.3.0 | Average-stats, sleep_index are added. Added functionality to continue the session. Changed some functions to asynchronous processing. |
v2.2.2 | Android 14 compatibility has been addressed in the hotfix. |
v2.2.1 | Fixed obfuscation bug for sessionId in getTrackingStatus. |
v2.2.0 | 1. Add Developer Mode Function. 2. Add Error Codes related to audio processing- ERR_AUDIO_SILENCED, ERR_AUDIO_UNSILENCED3. Add Session Object parameter in Reports- createdTimezone, unexpectedEndTime, sleepCycle, sleepCycleCount, wasoCount, longestWaso, unstableBreathCount, lightLatency, remLatency, deepLatency. |
v2.1.2 | 1. Redefine errorCode. 2. Add related to TrackingStatus. 3. Add defensive logic to close the session when initAsleepConfig is called during SleepTracking. |
v2.1.1 | 1. Ensuring Visibility of AsleepErrorCode Interface. 2. Implementing ERR_NETWORK Listener for Handing Internet Coneection Issues. 3. Changing HTTP Keep-Alive Time to 10 Seconds. |
v2.1.0 | 1. The noise reduction processing has been modified. 2. User-Agent has been added to HTTP. |
v2.0.0 | 1. Change Reports Structure. |
Updated about 1 month ago
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